Find Your Fire
7 day Walking Retreat £450
15 day phone Mentoring program £247
One day Breakthrough Event £97
6 hours on a Saturday 10am-4pm, max 20 per day
Booking page coming soon

Second Saturday Stroll £20 per month, or £10 per walk
Normally the 2nd Saturday of each month, although I missed May because I was walking across Spain
My walks are three hours in nature on a Saturday 10am-1pm.
The walk without stops is about 1 hour long, so it’s not a hard walk at all…
My walks will be near Leckhampton Hill just south of Cheltenham and will be child and dog friendly
More information about other peoples walks (and mine) can be found at:

Find Your Fire 1-to-1 course £197
6 weeks of 30 min phone calls
Call to book 01242 37 50 50
Find Your Fire instant £97
1 hour to deal with one specific issue
Call to book 01242 37 50 50