2016 Planning
Day 6 of 30 of the #InfinitePossibilitiesProject
(click here for previous days)
I have already started taking baby steps to meet my top 5 goals from day 1 so here’s how I am doing so far:
- Financial Freedom
- I am working really hard on my company www.DiaryBooker.com and making it into a fully automated business. I have taken on five freelancers to help with running the different areas of the business and I am finally getting around to having written processes in place, so that everyone knows what needs to be done without needing my input on a daily basis. I am also very close to the point at which my Utility Warehouse business will continue to pay me an income every month regardless of my continuing input. Although obviously the more I work at it, the bigger that income will become!
- This all needs to happen before April 22nd, which is when I will be heading out to France/Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago
- Own Home (renamed to Own Space)
- This is the one that is really on hold until I have got closer to #1. However I am taking 4 days break on the south coast whilst ballroom dancing. Not really my own space, but I do find hotels to be a lovely relaxing experience as there is very little clutter in the room and it gets made all nice and neat and tidy every day for me. Plus I can make a cup of tea without having to go to the kitchen and quite often they will have a pool, so I can go for a swim without having to drive anywhere, and sometimes even a very zen moment in a sauna 😀
- Get Fit & Lean
- I am running most mornings now (see #5) and trying to continue to have at least 1 fast day per week (the 5:2 diet)
- Inspire more
- Obviously, this blog and this website in general is the start of my being able to inspire more people. Also I ran my first Cotswold Mindfulness walk last weekend (I am actually writing this blog on the 15th Jan and it should have been written on the 6th Jan!!
- Get up earlier
- I now use a chart to help me achieve this based on the book “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olsen and below you can see my chart from December, January has me pushing back my second task to 830. The ultimate aim is to join the Robin Sharma 5am club and start doing Hal Elrods Miracle Morning every day, If you want to download a copy of this chart to use for yourself, you can find it on my free resources page at www.JohnVDenley.com/free-tools. Also my good friend Laura has been texting me at 6am every morning since November, she is an absolute star. It has certainly been really helpful to have an accountability buddy 😀